It is not possible to pass through Afyonkarahisar and not buy sausage.
The first brand that comes to mind is Cumhuriyet Sausage.
If you plan to buy it on your way back, take a break at Cumhuriyet Facilities at the Antalya crossroad and order eggs with sausage.
Tomato and pepper are added and its taste is delicious.
On top of the meal, you can eat bread kadayıf with sour cherries, apricots, peaches or plain cream made of buffalo milk.
Semra Çelikaslan, Press and Public Relations Manager of Cumhuriyet Facilities, says that they have received orders from all over the country for their grandfather’s profession.
There are also ready-made menus in the resting facilities, it is difficult to choose from varieties such as sausage wrap and soudjouk döner.
It is bought from the village of Akçin that the cherry bread kadayıf, a dessert unique to Afyon, is taken as a souvenir and the famous Afyonkarahisar cream.
It is worth visiting at the facility’s market. Afyon llokumu, cheeses, cream, sugar varieties and of course spicy and spicy sausages are available.
Sausages are weighed and sold. Especially in air-conditioned vehicles, it can be transported in the car without deterioration and it is emphasized that the bag should not be closed.
İkbal Restaurant, which has been serving in Afyonkarahisar city center for years, is famous for its pot dishes.
In the villas of Gazlıgöl hot springs, there are balconies with barbecue, refrigerator and all kinds of furniture in the kitchen.
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