Friday, January 17, 2025

Akcakoca Hotel Pension and Places to Stay – Duzce / Turkey

Akçakoca, which is the front garden of Ankara and Istanbul, offers various accommodation alternatives as one of the first noticed holiday destinations in the field of tourism.

Yilmaz Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 91 61

Valley Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 618 84 84

Araboğlu Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 90 80

Bayraktar Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 67 77

Esentepe Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 78 79

Akcasehir Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 93 06

Kocan Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 21 22

Huzur Holiday Village
Tel: (0-380) 622 42 62

Tunç Pension
Tel: (0-380) 618 71 60

Sezgin Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 41 62

Bahar Pension
Tel: (0-380) 611 45 35

Happy Pension
Tel: (0-380) 611 66 55

Strong Pension
Tel: (0-380) 611 58 43

Beach Pension
Tel: (0-380) 628 62 00

Akcakoca Tourism
Tel: (0-380) 611 31 48

Tezel Camping
Tel: (0-380) 611 41 15


There are various facilities and camping areas on the Karaburun Melenağzı beach. The coasts, which are generally preferred by middle-aged, calm-loving people who do not like too much heat, can find accommodation at affordable prices. Those who want to camp pay 5 million as a tent place, 15-40 prices are paid for a triple-person place in homes and pensions. All beaches are used free of charge.

Kizilirmak Pension
Tel: (0-380) 628 65 46

Snow Recreation Facilities and Campground
Tel: (0-380) 628 62 23
Fax: (0-380) 628 62 43

Hotel Melenağzı
Disco, Bar, Pool, Restaurant
The four-star hotel provides service on the coast of Melenağzı Village.
Tel: (0-380) 628 65 39-40-41-42
Fax: (0-380) 628 62 75

The benches with car wheels used for recreation around the clock tower of Akçakoca Square are flattering with their cute looks. .

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