Akçakoca, which is the front garden of Ankara and Istanbul, offers various accommodation alternatives as one of the first noticed holiday destinations in the field of tourism.
Yilmaz Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 91 61
Valley Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 618 84 84
Araboğlu Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 90 80
Bayraktar Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 67 77
Esentepe Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 78 79
Akcasehir Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 93 06
Kocan Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 21 22
Huzur Holiday Village
Tel: (0-380) 622 42 62
Tunç Pension
Tel: (0-380) 618 71 60
Sezgin Hotel
Tel: (0-380) 611 41 62
Bahar Pension
Tel: (0-380) 611 45 35
Happy Pension
Tel: (0-380) 611 66 55
Strong Pension
Tel: (0-380) 611 58 43
Beach Pension
Tel: (0-380) 628 62 00
Akcakoca Tourism
Tel: (0-380) 611 31 48
Tezel Camping
Tel: (0-380) 611 41 15
There are various facilities and camping areas on the Karaburun Melenağzı beach. The coasts, which are generally preferred by middle-aged, calm-loving people who do not like too much heat, can find accommodation at affordable prices. Those who want to camp pay 5 million as a tent place, 15-40 prices are paid for a triple-person place in homes and pensions. All beaches are used free of charge.
Kizilirmak Pension
Tel: (0-380) 628 65 46
Snow Recreation Facilities and Campground
Tel: (0-380) 628 62 23
Fax: (0-380) 628 62 43
Hotel Melenağzı
Disco, Bar, Pool, Restaurant
The four-star hotel provides service on the coast of Melenağzı Village.
Tel: (0-380) 628 65 39-40-41-42
Fax: (0-380) 628 62 75
The benches with car wheels used for recreation around the clock tower of Akçakoca Square are flattering with their cute looks. .
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