In addition to those staying in open accommodation facilities in Assos and Sokakağzı throughout the year; There are also caravaners who set up tents and camp in the gardens of hostels and motels. All needs have been considered in the common kitchens in the hostels on Sokakağzı beach.
Hotels in Assos
Assos Eden Beach Hotel
Assos Terace Motel
Assos Kervansaray
Hotel Assos
Behram Hotel
Yildiz Palace
Sokakağzı beach facilities are:
Kayalı Pension (Şakir Kayalı)
Tel: (286) 723 42 09
Ozlem Motel
Tel: (286) 723 42 13
Sokakağzı Motel
Tel: (286) 723 42 06-07
Imada Motel
Tel: (286) 723 42 41
“İmbat” and “Yılmaz” are among the other accommodation facilities in the region.