Erdek, which is the district of Balıkesir province, is located in the Erdek Bay in the Kapıdağ Peninsula, which extends towards the Marmara Sea of the Marmara Region. It is one of Turkey’s first resort location. The Kapıdağ peninsula starts in the middle of the Marmara Sea and the south coast is 1500 m to the coast of Bandırma in the Asia Minor. a wide narrow piece of land is connected to the barzah.
Today, we learn from the works of the famous historian Herodotus that there were three city-states named (Kızıkos) – (Artake) and (Prokonesos) in the region within the borders of Erdek district throughout history. While talking about the city-states in the Kapıdağ Peninsula (Arkatonesos), Herodotus states that Prokonesos was founded on the Kapıdağ peninsula of Kızıkos and Arteka, first on the island of Paşaliman and then on the island of Marmara. The city-state of Kızıkos partially extended to the Kapıdağ river and partially aged on the green foothills of the high mountains formerly called (Artonoros). Behind him are the high and forested hills of Dindimon’s present-day Adem Kaya and Dede Mountains. The city of Kızıkos embraces the blue sea of the bay from the east (Panaromos) (Bandırma) with one branch and the luminous waters of the bay of Erdek from the west (Artake).
Ancient geographer Starbon reports that the oldest communities (Dolions) settled in this region. It is reported that Dolian people migrated from Thessaly in Greece. The king of Dolian, who is mentioned in the mythlogy of the famous Argonauts epic of the Greeks, is a hero from Thessaly, the young king of Kızıkos.
Although Erdek was known as “Artaki, Aptakh, Artacie, Artak, Artake, Cyzicuz, Equise, Equisse” in ancient times, it is not known who gave these names here, but it is understood from these names that the establishment of Erdek dates back to very old times. Erdek BC In 361, it first came under the rule of Kyzikos with Kapıdağ, then remained under the rule of Rome and Byzantine. During the Hellenistic period, a suburb of Kyzikos remained a small town and even a village during the Roman period. Erdek was conquered by Süleyman Pasha, the son of Orhan Gazi, and entered the Turkish rule with the whole of Kapıdağ in H-740, M-1339. Erdek, BC. While he was a career affiliated to the Galata district in 1603, his center joined the Bursa Hüdavendigar sanjak in AD 1831 and was affiliated to the Marmara district in the same year, he was promoted to the Erdek Sancak District Governorship in the same year, and in AD 1846 he was among the Erdek Hüdevendigar livas. In 1873, 8 departments (Bandırma, Gönen, Manyas, Paşalimanı, Kapıdağ, Marmara, Emirali-İmralı and Erdek) were attached to the district of Erdek.